Available  Now!


“Fractal stories from the eschatological present, told in a strange, new, manic, and flarfy voice that I trust and endorse.”

Nobody writes like Honor Levy. My First Book is brutal and feminine, dreamlike and fantastic. I relished every word.”
“My First Book manages to somehow be based, redpilled, woke, cringe, and, above all else, brilliant all at the same time. (And if you’re not a zoomer, it’ll define some of that terminally online vocabulary for you.) Finally, my generation has a voice to be proud of.”

A Most Anticipated Book of 2024 by Good Morning America, W Magazine, Nylon, SheReads and LitHub

“We count on our best young fiction writers to bring us news from the digital nervous system. Honor Levy... does so with special bite and élan.” 

“This book defies definition . . . Oddly exquisite.”
Kirkus (starred review)




  • Honor Levy Doesn’t Want To Make You Angry - Bustle

  • Her First Book:  Six hours in Dimes Square with the 26-year-old author and niche icon Honor Levy - The Cut

  • Honor Levy: The Writer Capturing the Warp Speed Mania of Online - The Face

  • Walt John Pearce and Honor Levy on Potties, Performance Art and Gertrude Stein - Interview Magazine

    • Granta pr-empts Levy’s debut story collection on the ‘internet generation’ - The Bookseller

    • Alienating Ressurrections:  Stan Douglas’s Broadcast Work and Other Artist Films - Mezzanine Film

    • Meet Heavy Traffic, the Heavily Edited Alt-Lit Mag - Interview Magazine

    • They Had a Fun Pandemic. You Can Read About it in Print - The New York Times

    • What is the Internet, According to Honor Levy, and How Long Will it Last - Angelicism01

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